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"Forward-Thinking Manufacturing” Prompts Renewable Energy Search

Project at a Glance

“We understand the value of S-5! products. We have experience with S-5! solar attachment solutions and understand how quickly we can deploy them once all electric is in, enabling our teams to quickly install the solar PV. The main benefits for us are the ease of use and efficiency of the products.”

-Michael McCuen, Energías Limpias de Centroamerica

The Situation & Results

MicroTech’s state-of-the-art certified manufacturing facility provides precision manufacturing and supply chain innovation through capability and tooling for small metal and plastic components for the most demanding industries.

As part of the company’s desire for new-world technology and a “forward-thinking manufacturing” approach, MicroTech wanted to “go-solar” to supplement the power requirements at its manufacturing

They called on EPC Contractor, Energías Limpias de Centroamerica (ELCA) to install 1,432 solar panels for its 531 Kw DC system on the facility’s standing seam metal roof. 

What Worked?

ELCA selected the S-5-PVKIT 2.0 and the S-5-H Mini clamps to secure the solar panels to the standing seam metal roof of MicroTech’s manufacturing facility, allowing for a rail-less PV mounting solution.

The PVKIT’s pre-assembled components provided a simple, secure and economical method for attaching the solar panels. Because the solution is rail-less, it also cuts costs in freight, logistics, lifting equipment and labor associated with traditional rail.

The H Mini clamp’s two-piece design allows it to be installed anywhere along the length of the rib, making installation fast and easy! With a reliable lead-time from purchase to delivery, as well as a simple installation process, S-5!’s solar attachment solutions helped reduce the project timeline.

Long Term Outlook

The PV system allowed MicroTech to continue its forward-thinking manufacturing approach by utilizing renewable energy sources. The PVKIT provided a rail-less, aesthetically-pleasing, penetration- free, cost-effective PV mounting solution – saving the customer time and money on installation and materials.

S-5! Products Used

The pre-assembled PVKIT® used in rail-less solar PV mounting can save you in logistics and installation time. It is compatible with all S-5! clamps and most brackets. It fits all 30-46 mm module frames and offers multiple slots for wire management.

The S-5-H (“H” stands for Horizontal seam) is a non-penetrating, standing seam metal roof (SSMR) clamp. The H is designed to accommodate horizontal seams that are not fully closed. The setscrews are side-install rather than top-down. 

Learn more about the products featured in this case study.

PVKIT S-5-H Mini Clamp
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