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Replacements, Ltd, Arena-Sized Warehouse Spans Eight Football Fields

Project at a Glance

This project was a result of industry support, as the referral came from a utility-scaled solar company. When we got the contract, there was a sudden shortage of solar modules, and another solar company helped us source the materials. It was a good example of how solar companies can work together to the benefit of a customer and the industry.”

-Steve Miller, Yes Solar Solutions

The Situation & Results

Replacements, Ltd. based in Greensboro, North Carolina, is the world’s largest retailer of china, crystal, and silver. The company specializes in locating and supplying hard-to-find and discontinued patterns. Their flagship location houses approximately 12 million items from around 450,000 patterns. And their arena-sized warehouse spans eight football fields (a 300,000 square foot building).

Replacements Ltd. had long considered solar power so when they expanded into a larger facility, they designed the roof to specifically sustain the additional weight of solar panels - making it a “solar ready” rooftop from the beginning. 

What Worked

Hoping to offset over 30% of their total energy use, Replacements Ltd. sought out a company that specialized in large-scale rooftop PV array installation. Such an undertaking meant many qualified companies vying for the project. Ultimately though, the competition could not match the stellar reputation, high recommendations, and overall value of Yes Solar Solutions (YSS). They won the contract.

Kathy Miller, Co-Founder and CEO of Yes Solar Solutions in Cary, North Carolina, was enthusiastic about Replacements Ltd.’s plans for solar expansion. To Kathy and her husband Stew, this PV project was yet another opportunity for them to achieve what led them into this business in the first place: “preparing the next generation for a sustainable future.” And it was an opportunity to work side-by-side with a company as dedicated to the environment as they are. Yes Solar fully understands the positive impact solar add-ons can have on companies and on their bottom line. From energy savings to financial benefits, solar projects are immense undertakings, yet they can yield huge savings.

Long Term Outlook

The solar array on the Replacements Ltd. building needed an attachment solution that would not only ease installation but also be low cost and low weight. S-5! non-penetrating clamps achieved these requirements building a strong foundation of savings across the board for the entire project. During clamp installation, a plywood walkway was also installed to help with crew safety as well as installation efficiency. By facilitating navigation, crews could inspect the roof, perform maintenance, and protect the existing metal roof.

S-5! Products Used

The S-5-H clamp (“H” is for Horizontal seam) is designed to accommodate horizontal seams that are not fully closed. The setscrews are side-install rather than top-down. 

Learn more about the products featured in this case study.

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