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A Quest to Cut Costs

Project at a Glance

"Black Rock Solar owes a tremendous debt of gratitude to S-5! for donating the clamps that will attach the solar modules to the brand new standing seam metal roof. S-5! clamps helped make this project possible."

-Marnee Benson, Deputy Director, Black Rock Solar

The Situation & Results

The Children’s Cabinet is a non-profit organization offering services and resources to children and families with unmet needs. As a non-profit, and in such economically trying times, the organization is thankful for any opportunity to reduce bills and increase the intended efforts of the program.

When The Children’s Cabinet began building the new Wilber D. May Youth Center in midtown Reno, Black Rock Solar decided to install a solar array on the new metal roof.


What Worked?

For several months, Black Rock Solar participated in fundraising efforts for The Children’s Cabinet project. Having used S-5! on a previous design, Black Rock Solar turned to them again for the attachment of the panels. S-5! was thrilled to once more assist Black Rock Solar, and were pleased to be able to donate attachment products to The Children’s Cabinet.


Black Rock Solar system designer, Joe Pizur, employed around 200 S-5-PVKITs and S-5-S Mini attachment clamps to mount the 15kW system to the roof of the new youth center. Black Rock Solar prefers the use of S-5! clamps because of the quick, secure, and cost-effective installation. In their own words, “The only way it would be easier to install is if it had a magnet and we could just drop it onto the roof.”

Long Term Outlook

The groundbreaking for the Wilber D. May Youth Center was held on January 3rd, 2012, and construction was completed a few weeks later.

By using S-5!’s penetration-free attachment solution, Black Rock Solar was able to preserve the weather-tightness and manufacturer warranties of the new metal roof. The standing seam metal roof of the youth center is ideal for installing PV panels because the space between the roof and the panel create a natural path for convective cooling, saving even more money on utilities.

S-5! Products Used

The pre-assembled PVKIT® used in rail-less solar PV mounting can save you in logistics and installation time. It is compatible with all S-5! clamps and most brackets. It fits all 30-46 mm module frames and offers multiple slots for wire management.

The S-5-S (“S” stands for snap-lock) is a non-penetrating, standing seam metal roof (SSMR) clamp. The S is designed for most popular vertical snap-together profiles -- typically with vertical dimensions of 1.5” (38 mm) and 1.75” (44 mm).

Learn more about the products featured in this case study.

PVKIT S-5-S Clamp
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