S-5! Gives Back
Giving back is important to our people — it’s our duty; it’s who we are; it’s what we stand for.

Charitable Giving
Did you know S-5! has a charitable foundation that contributes annually to various charitable organizations? Giving back to our community is important to the company and the folks who work here. It’s our duty; it’s who we are; it’s what we stand for.

S-5! Contributes to a Variety of Non-Profit Organizations:

Provides lodging, meals, transportation assistance and emotional support at no cost to cancer patients and their loved ones who are in need while traveling to Columbus, Ohio for cancer treatment – offering a place of hospitality and hope to allow individuals to focus on their journey to better health.

Provides education, support and hope to families living with autism through a variety of programs and services, aimed at promoting independence for individuals diagnosed with autism.

Prevents and cures diabetes, and improves the lives of all people affected by diabetes through funded research; by delivering services to hundreds of communities; by providing objective and credible information; and by giving a voice to those denied their rights because of diabetes.

Supports public education, the U.S. military, assistance to wounded warriors and tours in military war zones with public speaking opportunities to engage the troops with a message of hope. And, it has provided thousands of scholarships to both domestic and international students in secondary education.

Is a faith based non-profit that strives to promote hope, life and knowledge in the community through The Options Clinic, Grace House Pregnancy Center and the Pure Truth in-school training program.

Is dedicated to providing support to families of wounded and fallen United States Navy SEALs, educational assistance for SEALs and their families, and other causes benefiting the SEAL community.

Assists governments around the world in the rescue of
human trafficking and sex trafficking victims, with a special focus on children.

Serves our nation by honoring our defenders, veterans, first responders, their families and those in need by creating and supporting unique programs designed to entertain, educate, inspire, strengthen and build communities.

Transforms the lives of disadvantaged infants, children and teens with physical deformities caused by birth, accidents, abuse or disease through the gift of reconstructive surgery and related healthcare services.

Impacts and changes the global crisis of forgotten, abused and discarded children and widows in developing countries by providing self-esteem and value through education, housing, food and health care.

Teaches the truth of the Gospel with special emphasis on God’s unconditional love, and the balance between grace and faith.

Is a Christian child development organization that has revolutionized the fight against global poverty by working exclusively with the Church to lift children out of spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty.

Saves lives, redeems futures and empower a generation of world changers. Its vision is to see the “untouchable” children of today become the leaders of tomorrow.
Local & Regional Community Involvement
At a local level, S-5! and its staff participates in giving back to the local community, whether it is our corporate staff in Colorado or the folks in Texas at the home of our manufacturing facility.
We are volunteer firefighters, mask-makers and school committee leaders. We participate in fundraising for our local communities and host organizations in our office space. We even hosted local churches in our plant parking lot during the pandemic.
Local Organizations We Give Back to:

Promotes high standards of conduct and sportsmanship, keeping the western heritage alive among our youth in America through the sport of rodeo.

Provides service to 10,000 residents and 5,000 structures, in addition to advanced life support emergency transport both in-district and as a mutual aid partner to El Paso County Fire Departments.

Headquartered in Black Forest, Colorado, the home place of S-5!, SHIELD 616 raises tens of thousands of dollars to outfit first responders with protective gear.

Established in 1999, Latigo, a 45-acre equestrian center, is home to the Pikes Peak Ranger Riders and their foundation, which provides youth events and activities with a western, agricultural and equine orientation.

Provides service to others and has fundraised for important local community projects including Rotary Park, the pavilion at Gordon Lake and school supplies for the school district’s children in need.

Iowa Park Chamber of Commerce furthers the interests of local businesses through its network of local companies and organizations.
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General Terms of Use which are legally binding upon you govern your use of this site, any products manufactured by Metal Roof Innovations, Ltd., and the snow retention calculator and load table. Commercial use or copying of any part of this site is prohibited. By accessing or using the calculator, you agree to abide by the Calculator Terms of Use and the General Terms of Use.
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Use of the calculator is restricted to customers of S-5!®. Commercial use of the calculator by any person or entity who is not a customer or prospective customer of S-5! is prohibited.
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