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Standing Seam Metal Roof Clamps

Mount a variety of rooftop accessories with zero penetration to your roof.

Which Engineered Metal Roof Clamp Best Suits Your Application?

S-5! clamps are offered in two sizes to accommodate the holding strength needs of varying utility applications. Our standard (two-setscrew) clamps are designed specifically for heavy-duty applications, such as snow retention, and they provide documented and unsurpassed holding strength. Mini (one-setscrew) clamps save considerable cost for medium or lighter-duty applications, like satellite dish or solar panel mounting.

Contact one of our S-5! distributors to order your roof clamps. Have questions? Contact us!

Why Does S-5! Offer so Many Different Roof Clamps?

Our clamps are specifically designed for your exact standing seam metal roof and roof profile to maximize cost/holding strength ratios. It is important to choose the correct clamp for use on your specific roof type, gauge, and material.

Need help finding the best fitting clamp for your profile? Our redesigned Clamp-to-Seam Tool can guide you.

Try Our Project Configurator

Despite what others may say, a one-size-fits-all clamp compromises either cost or performance.

S-5! roof clamps are carefully designed to preserve both. This is a defining feature of our approach to metal roof attachments:

Some of our clamps feature broad diversity, but we'll let you know if there is a more cost-effective solution within our product range for your specific application. Our goal is to ensure you have the best solution at the lowest cost.

Why Use S-5! Standing Seam Metal Roof Clamps?

Colorgard snow guards boulder house

Verifiable Quality Assurance

To ensure the products tested are truly the products sold and shipped, traceability, transparency and certified manufacturing are essential. S-5! only uses certified material, certified testing and certified production in our own ISO 9001:15 manufacturing facility. This process ensures the quality control system performs as advertised.

Our warranties, endorsements, track record and customer service satisfaction give you confidence that we do it “The Right Way!” Ask us for technical documentation of our QA claims; we're happy to provide it.

What Is the S-5! Difference?

Colorgard snow guards boulder house
Extrusion storage S-5! Manufacturing facility

We Only Use Chemically and Mechanically Certified Raw Material

Certified quality begins with certified raw material, followed by certified manufacturing and certified testing for holding strength and other product characteristics.

Our roof clamps use non-corrosive materials and are metallurgically compatible with all common roof materials including titanium-zinc, stainless steel, aluminum, zinc, galvanized steel, Bonderized™ steel, CorTen steel, and 55% AlZn coated steel (Galvalume®, Zincalume®, ZintroAlum®, Zink-Al™).

Most clamps are made from high-tensile aluminum. All fasteners and mating hardware are A2-70 stainless steel.  We also offer several stainless-steel clamp models and brass for copper roofing.

What Does “Certified” Really Mean?

Extrusion storage S-5! Manufacturing facility
S5 Clamps standing seam metal roof solar PV

Zero Penetration - Maintain Warranties

S-5! invented the technology of utilizing round-point setscrews for a secure mechanical interlock, while protecting the standing seam and any sacrificial coatings, leaving roof warranties intact.

We conducted ASTM-B117 salt-fog testing to prove our clamp attachments cause no premature corrosion to the roof panels.

All clamps are designed to outlast the standing seam metal roof using prudent designs, non-corrosive materials and metallurgy.

Clamps utilize Torx setscrews – These screws are resistant to stripping, easy to drive and remove bit during installation. Driver tips are provided with each box of clamps and bits are widely available internationally.

Some clamps also feature:

  • Inserts - allowing easy attachment of clamps along seams
  • Angled setscrews - for ease of installation when tool-to-seam clearance is tight
S5 Clamps standing seam metal roof solar PV
manufacturing facility

Limited Lifetime Material & Workmanship Warranty

Read the fine print. Warranty language should back up sales claims in writing! We offer the most comprehensive warranties in the business.

Our free Limited Lifetime Workmanship and Material Warranty is offered on all products. It states that our roof clamps are true to our advertised claims and free from defects in material and workmanship on the date of the first sale and FOR THE LIFE OF THE ROOF.

There are no “ifs,” “ands” or “buts” in our warranty language. If we screw up, we fix it!

Learn More

manufacturing facility
S-5! testing strength clamps lab manufacturing

Rigorous & Accredited Laboratory Testing

Tensile load testing is vital to engineering any application and results vary widely with panel material, thickness, profile, and even brand of manufacture. That’s why we've performed 3,000+ load tests on 500+ different standing seam metal roof profiles, materials and gauges in two load directions:

  • Negative load normal-to-seam testing (pull up)
  • Parallel-to-seam testing (drag load) 

No ASTM protocols for testing of metal roof seam clamps existed, so we created one back in 1992 before we offered any product for sale. All of our testing is performed in a third-party, ISO 17025 accredited laboratory. Test results and protocols are published on our website for you - visit our load tables. If you'd like a copy of a specific lab test report, just request it online!

Learn More About S-5! Testing

S-5! testing strength clamps lab manufacturing
metal roof clamp solar install

Ease of Installation

S-5! metal roof clamps were invented by a contractor and metal roof consultant, so they are designed with the installer in mind to reduce the amount of time spent on the roof and to increase field efficiency. All of our systems can be retrofitted to existing roofs or incorporated into new roof design with common tools. The instruction and process is easy enough for a DIY’er to follow.

  • Quick and easy installation
  • Bit tips included in the boxes of clamps
  • Installation utilizes common tools of the roofing and construction trades
metal roof clamp solar install

Getting Started with S-5! Standing Seam Roof Clamps

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